Friday, May 4, 2007

TBS 2, Blog Entry 6, Domestic News Headline, Week 8

Move to stem truancy growth

Although truancy numbers in Christchurch have been growing since 2002 officers could not tackle truancy reactively due to the lack of resources. So schools are trying to reduce truancy by increasing the number of officer, using electronic system and the District Truancy Services. Furthermore, the Government has declared that $2 million of extra investment will be given over the next four years to combat truancy. To diminsh truancy is becoming a crucial social issue, as truancy is related to crime. A new trial is to set up new electronic enrolment system and to charge parents to solve truancy. But it will not be enough to totally overcome truancy because there are a number of reasons for students to be truant.

I could find 69 examples of active verb forms in the article. On the contrary, just 9 instances of passive verb forms were used by the writer. Among them there are 4 reduced relative clauses, 4 present simple passives which is "are contracted, be given, be extended, are required", a simple past passive which is "were stretched", and a present perfect passive form which is "has not yet been set".

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