Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral blog Entry 4 - Picture comparison 1, week 7


There are many differences between a supermarket and a local market. If someone wants to buy fresh vegetables with lower prices he(or she) needs to go to a local market. Furthermore, people in the local market can experiecnce the Sun and negociate with sellers. On the contrary, a supermarket is running a price tag system which doesn't need any negotiation. All vegetables are well-ordered so that people can save their shopping time. Meanwhile, the local market is noisy and there is narrow path and more complicated due to so many customers. A supermarket usually opens everyday until late and people are able to compare the price or goods' conditions. Therefore, I prefer a supermarket to purchase vegetables. When I walk around in a supermarket which is very bright, modern, clean and convenient, I am very comfortable.

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