Monday, May 21, 2007

Oral blog entry 7, diploma lecture summary 2, week 10

Helping Others
Date : 8, May, 07 Lecture : Dave Griffiths

If somebody collapses, you do not have to dial 111 or use medicine immediately. There are some procedures to help the collapsed properly. First of all, you have to stop. After that, you have to think whether you are safe or not. When you try to help you should use some barriers such as gloves, plasticbags or T-shirt to protect yourself. The next step is to communicate with the person. Move their chin up and their head back. Get close to the person and look at and listen to their nose and feel to see if they are breathing. If they are not breathing you have to resuscitate the person.

To resuscitate the collapsed who are not breathing use the kiss of life. Cover the mouth, squeeze Nose to close and breathe into their mouth. If they are still not breathing you have to pressure their chest 30 times with rhythm. Anybody can collapse at anytime and anywhere so we should be prepared to help others.

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