Monday, May 14, 2007

TBS 2, blog entry 3, Book Review, week 5

Greg Ogden, the author, writes a wonderful book. I was very impressed by this book. It leads me to think differently about church systems and the pastors’ role. It gave me great insights in the part of serving a church.
Greg Ogden is the Executive Pastor of Discipleship at Christ Church of Oak Brook, Illinois. From 1998-2002, Greg served as Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary and Associate Professor of Lay Equipping and Discipleship.
Unfinished Business, the title of the book, indicates an uncompleted ministry of a church which means a distribution of ministry to the people of God. He deals with many aspects of church such as church systems, cell groups, ministry and pastors. "Only an organism can complete the unfinished business of the Reformation and return the ministry to the people of God"(Ogden, 2003, p.37). In addition, he suggests that all churches should shift from a pastor-centred to people-centred. Also he states that a pastor is like a player-coach and encourages the people of God to be stewards of the gifts God has given them. According to the Bible, a pastor is called not to be respected but to serve(John13:14-15).
I changed my mind, after reading this book, to give the people of God opportunities as much as I can because they are co-workers with me everlastingly.

Reference : Greg Ogden, Unfinished Business, 2003, Zondervan

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