Monday, May 21, 2007

Oral blog entry 7, diploma lecture summary 2, week 10

Helping Others
Date : 8, May, 07 Lecture : Dave Griffiths

If somebody collapses, you do not have to dial 111 or use medicine immediately. There are some procedures to help the collapsed properly. First of all, you have to stop. After that, you have to think whether you are safe or not. When you try to help you should use some barriers such as gloves, plasticbags or T-shirt to protect yourself. The next step is to communicate with the person. Move their chin up and their head back. Get close to the person and look at and listen to their nose and feel to see if they are breathing. If they are not breathing you have to resuscitate the person.

To resuscitate the collapsed who are not breathing use the kiss of life. Cover the mouth, squeeze Nose to close and breathe into their mouth. If they are still not breathing you have to pressure their chest 30 times with rhythm. Anybody can collapse at anytime and anywhere so we should be prepared to help others.

Oral block entry 6, Picture Comparison 2, week 9

Monday, May 21, 2007

These two pictures show different types of learning. The first picture is related to student-centred learning but the second picture indicates teacher-centred learning. In comparison, students have more space to move and there are more facilities, which is a wide white board, water supply and a notice board, to be used in the first picture. However, students in the second picture can concentrate much better on the teacher and the instructions of the teacher. The first picture presents more advantages to improve the students cooperative spirits.

To teach in the second picture is more convenient for teachers. However, in terms of effectiveness of learning such as discussion skills, respect for others opinion, and participation, the first picture is much better. Also the first picture is more effective for students to get the answers to the questions, asked by teacher, by themselves. Furthermore, while students in the second picture are asked to answer directly, students in the first picture are able to get the knowledge more broadly in the course of discussion and presentation in front of another students. Therefore, I think that the first picture proves a more effective way to learn.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

TBS 2. blog entry 7, Diploma Trip, week 9

(I took it from Cindy!)

With stunning excitement and great expectation I woke up in the morning in the day of the Diploma Trip. However, I was very worried because the weather was not good. It was drizzling when I arrived at the Café; La Vinci in Titirangi with Emma, a beautiful young classmate. Although it was raining all my classmates looked so happy. After we ate morning tea we went to Huia Point in order to enjoy the scenes. We took photos there and talked together, so we came to know each other better.

After we had a wonderful time, we headed for Cornwallis beach all together. Before we started, our teacher, Jan Patterson, checked the number of classmates and she found she had missed several students. Arriving at the beach we realized that the missing students had gone fishing. We unloaded all the bags in one place and all except Emma and me went for a walk. I had a talk with her and I got to know more about her life in N.Z.

Unfortunately, after a light meal I had to leave early because I had another appointment at 2 o’clock. I was impressed by the wonderful beach which was calm and peaceful and I’ll not forget it for long time.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

TBS 2, blog entry 8, About my country in the international press, week 10

The Seoul committed to linking N.K. railways

According to this article, Korea is the only divided country in this world and it is trying to reconnect the railway between Seoul in the South and Gaeseong in the North. The Military Demarcation Line made in 1953 by two strong countries after the Korean War, they are the U.S.A and the Soviet Union, has been crossed by the trial run of the two railways a few days ago.

A huge investment by the South Korean government will contribute to restore the broken railways regardless of how much money is required. The North Korean government is worrying that the alleviation of military tensions may eventually lead to reunification being achieved by South Korea.

The reconnected railways can contribute to the delivery of many goods such as raw materials, mineral resources, soaps, shoes and other production across the border. A survey showed that over half of the adults in South Korea agree that the test-runs of the trains will promote peace on the Korean Peninsula and assist the development of the economy of North Korea. Most people surveyed in South Korea, however, said the North would not cooperate with the South to uplift inter-Korean relations.

Monday, May 14, 2007

TBS 2, blog entry 3, Book Review, week 5

Greg Ogden, the author, writes a wonderful book. I was very impressed by this book. It leads me to think differently about church systems and the pastors’ role. It gave me great insights in the part of serving a church.
Greg Ogden is the Executive Pastor of Discipleship at Christ Church of Oak Brook, Illinois. From 1998-2002, Greg served as Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary and Associate Professor of Lay Equipping and Discipleship.
Unfinished Business, the title of the book, indicates an uncompleted ministry of a church which means a distribution of ministry to the people of God. He deals with many aspects of church such as church systems, cell groups, ministry and pastors. "Only an organism can complete the unfinished business of the Reformation and return the ministry to the people of God"(Ogden, 2003, p.37). In addition, he suggests that all churches should shift from a pastor-centred to people-centred. Also he states that a pastor is like a player-coach and encourages the people of God to be stewards of the gifts God has given them. According to the Bible, a pastor is called not to be respected but to serve(John13:14-15).
I changed my mind, after reading this book, to give the people of God opportunities as much as I can because they are co-workers with me everlastingly.

Reference : Greg Ogden, Unfinished Business, 2003, Zondervan

Friday, May 4, 2007

TBS 2, Blog Entry 6, Domestic News Headline, Week 8

Move to stem truancy growth

Although truancy numbers in Christchurch have been growing since 2002 officers could not tackle truancy reactively due to the lack of resources. So schools are trying to reduce truancy by increasing the number of officer, using electronic system and the District Truancy Services. Furthermore, the Government has declared that $2 million of extra investment will be given over the next four years to combat truancy. To diminsh truancy is becoming a crucial social issue, as truancy is related to crime. A new trial is to set up new electronic enrolment system and to charge parents to solve truancy. But it will not be enough to totally overcome truancy because there are a number of reasons for students to be truant.

I could find 69 examples of active verb forms in the article. On the contrary, just 9 instances of passive verb forms were used by the writer. Among them there are 4 reduced relative clauses, 4 present simple passives which is "are contracted, be given, be extended, are required", a simple past passive which is "were stretched", and a present perfect passive form which is "has not yet been set".

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral blog entry 5 - Domestic News Headlines, week 8

A. How many front page stroies?

NZ Herald
1. New drug trial - hope for women with history of miscarriges.
2. Climate change expected to cause environmental crash- proposal to combat global warming.

Dominion Post
1. Transmission Gully projection cost - extra 2 million dollars
2. Government to question -man in New Plymouth on Saturday

1. The government is looking at a way to tackle truancy numbers.

Otago Daily Times
1. Smacking bill

B. Transcribe your chosen story(Press)

The government is looking at a way to tackle Truancy numbers. The story is, last year, an average of 30,000 children a day skipped classes.

C. Identify Three Pronunciation Features

1. Consonant to vowel linking - an average
2. Sounds twinning (gemination) - skipped the
3. Weak form(schwa) - at a way to