Monday, April 30, 2007

TBS 2, Blog Entry 5, My break, week 7

I have visited a macademia farm which is in the region of Hellensville with some people including my family during my holiday. It was so agitated visiting. First of all, we did not know where it was exactly so we wandered for a bit long time to find out the location of it. It made us so excited. In addition, we had a look trees with macademia nuts and a lake fulled with fallen leaves. Furthermore, amazing taste of those enchanted us to be happy and we saw wonderful goods made from that fruit. Moreover, what we have been impressed is practicing to break hard shells of those with a cute tool and sampling kernels of macademia nuts without cost. I strongly recommend you go there and experience to fantastic features of the farm.

1 comment:

crowbarred said...

Greetings from Helensville!