Friday, April 20, 2007

TBS 2, Blog Entry 4, Summarise the article, week 6

US boosts security in Germany over terror threat

This is a story about security in Germany. The US embassy in Germany is setting up the security due to the increased risk of terrisom. In addition, the US embassy encourages Americans in Germany to reinforce their personal security. According to several newspapers, US facilities and people in Germany might be attacked by Iraqi militants. Two Germans were kidnapped and there was a failed attempt to blow up two German trains.

In newspapers, most verb forms reporting what happened are past simple form. There is a past continuous: were scouting, and three past perfect: had increased, had conducted, had received which explain that some affairs were completed in the past. I could find a few present tense and one present coutinuous tense: are increasing. Furthermore, present perfect: have urged, has not suffered, has threathened, one present perfect continuous tense(have been working) were used. Moreover, I saw one passive past tense(was echoed).

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