Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral blog entry 3, Diploma lecture summary , week 6

Lecturer : Sarah Hardman(Unitec lecturer & ASTE branch chairperson)

Have you belonged to a Union overseas or in NZ? Why would I need a Union? Everybody needs to have a right to be protected through the Union to keep life balance. Lots of workers organise themselves into a voluntary association or union with respect to wages, hours, working conditions or any other matters.

According to recent investigation, around 330,000 people joined a Union; among them 51.5% are women. The reason why women rate is a little bit higher than men is the number of women working as nurses or teachers is quite high.

A Union leader can be elected by members voting. The members can go on strike if the agreement has expired, when negociating a new CA or they give a reasonable reason. You need to join a Union and pursue more satisfaction with working conditions such as fair pay, entitlement, working hours or environment.

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